
Wenzhou shoes industry supported by Government will light now

Government support Wenzhou shoe industry will light now
A few days ago, China's footwear brands observers Tan Ru learned from wenzhou entry-exit inspection and quarantine that from October 1st to December 31st, the agency will provide import and export enterprises shall be exempted from inspection and quarantine administrative fees, footwear for the greatest benefit from industry.
New jordans 2014 shoes industry as the pillar industry in wenzhou, exports have accounted for more than 20% of the total amount of export in wenzhou.On October 8, the wenzhou shoe companies to wenzhou entry-exit inspection and quarantine departments corresponding entry and exit of goods inspection, transportation, container and other legal inspection and quarantine objects, both from the corresponding inspection quarantine fees.Specific projects including cargo and transport goods inspection quarantine fees, and the means of transport appraisal fees, safety monitoring and special inspection project fee, registration and issue a certificate (single) and check the audit fee, as well as the reinspection fee, mechanical fee such as sample preparation and charge.For the foreign trade industry to save the cost of expensive.
After the financial crisis, wenzhou shoe industry have been turmoil.Labour shortages, raw material prices, the appreciation of the renminbi, market demand is not prosperous, teng cage bird in policy to wenzhou shoe cover layers of haze, decline in export trade as a whole, the negative growth trend is obvious.
"Shoe industry really is a" sunset industry "? Let air Jordan shoes  die?"Wenzhou people the answer is "NO!".Coping with the wenzhou government departments, to advise and support the development of the industry, shall be exempted from inspection and quarantine administrative fees is one of the measures.On September 19, the wenzhou government deputy secretary-general Zhang Jilie led the wenzhou shoe industry exchange delegation arrived in Rome began examining visit to Italy, and the shoe design research and development project docking, for research and development of wenzhou shoe design center to find a strong partner.Press Zhang Jilie said: "the hope that through this visit, and industry organization, enterprise, overseas Chinese establish wider and more close cooperation, continuously improve the competition ability of wenzhou shoe companies export."
At the same time of government support, wenzhou shoe companies on the one hand, taking advantage of the industrial innovation, will rely on science and technology and the future, on the one hand, with the aid of the power of the government, yong tough problems, full development.Tan Ru brand shoes in China observers assert that the government's support, in wenzhou, wenzhou shoe industry prospect one be bright, the wenzhou shoe companies will be out of one for the road ahead.


Ask, is a kind of management wisdom

This several days on weibo "yuan fang body", production of "yuan fang, what do you think?"The question, let's have a good feeling.Production is wu zetian's prime minister, but he always subordinate opinion, add a democratic style.DiGong asked yuan fang opinion at any time, can be found in his mind.Loyal yuan fang had to fathom the mind of the judge dee, answered a judge dee satisfied with the answer, the answer is not against the idea of a master, and not too smart, upstaged the master.
In fact, q is a kind of management wisdom.Especially important for leaders.Liu difficulties, often in a sentence is helpless, on the one hand, liu bang brains get sufficient rest, you can also set the wisdom, is a synthesis of "two heads are better than one" benefits, on the other hand also can let asked zhang liang, han xin had to rack one's brains thinking way, stimulate cell and honor their happy, because, the boss in the process of asking for subordinate full of trust, merit to the subordinates.Xiang yu liu bang opponent is also very smart, very capable, don't need to ask, also don't need to listen to, only need others to perform.So, a lot of smart people to follow when xiang yu is very mediocre, is lazy, but once you keep up with liu suddenly is very smart, very capable.Obviously, q strength.In fact, competition is not the competition of cold of xiang yu and liu bang, but ask and don't ask, don't compete, is the result of competition between the two sides.
Liu2 bei4 also like XiaWen, so there is no special skill he built his own kingdom.The various ge is bright but I do not like to ask, so zhuge liang is alive is dead.In fact, everyone can't be all things to understand, all things considered, one dry light all things.Someone said, "no one is willing to to those who are smarter than their ideas, no one is willing to give more is a fool always think others ideas. So everyone around a group of wisdom of the wisest man often seems stupid, fools, and those from think talent day of the first people tend to be part of the people around us."I think this sentence is very reasonable.
Ask, actually is a kind of wisdom, ask more, hear more, long wisdom, others have gathered wisdom at a suit.Said to rack one's brains, his wisdom to others, but can let a person boring, because the people have a mental, in addition to like yourself are smarter than their surprise, the son of wisdom to the don't want to others better than yourselves.If the boss can suppress your emotions control your upset, and tirelessly fools, there is the truly wise mind!
Ask, is a kind of wisdom.The past is, today also.


Ten Tips to digest inventory shoes(6)

At present, enterprises can effectively control the inventory cost, only uniqlo, HM, ZARA New jordans 2014 and other international brands.They all have a scientific process I complete supply chain.They through the powerful logistics, cargo control system, allocate goods between regions, reduce the dealer inventories.Some Chinese be shoes clothing brand also in learning the reconstruction process, information construction, through ERP to control, to ensure product delivery speed, and connect the production, terminals, headquarters and dealers, easy to learn that inventory information;In addition, build a iot system, namely a chip in each product, so that each product can monitor its location, ease of transfers.Each store's inventory information at a glance.
Ten recruit: the opening sale
Open shoes clothing brand the digestive inventory sale field of the earth the most primitive method, but it's very effective.Walking on the bridge, city square, the park gate, in the mall, we can often see some shoes clothing brand to open sale field, some large and medium-sized city's main shopping mall now also set up special field, special sales items for some brands, in order to attract customers.Sales of some brand sale could have even more than positive sales of the product.Why is that?Because consumers have now formed the spending habits, the discount not to buy.But the shoes must pay attention to the clothing brand, sale field at the same time to avoid into the flea market, otherwise it will hit the brand of the brand.
Market demand is weak, shoes clothing brand high inventory, inventory has cross on fast forward avenue, we stop our steps across the, how to do?Tan Ru Chinese shoes clothing brand observers believe, as long as the shoes clothing brand ideas to find a way to, to seek after the war, scientifically using the above processing inventory move, it will be able to get rid of the trouble of inventories.


Ten Tips to digest inventory shoes(5)

Eight recruit: transfer plan as a whole
Large inventories of new jordans 2014 shoes clothing brand general sales range is wide, large distribution area.May be such A phenomenon: the south market sell motionless goods sell well in the north, perhaps in A market to sell goods in the B market will sell well.Thanks to modern communications, logistics is very developed, information transmission is fast, the Nike shoes clothing brand can now convenient transfer information network as a whole, selling as much as possible to allow retailers to exchange with the other color, or design change.Can effectively clean up the inventory.


Ten Tips to digest inventory shoes(4)

The seventh recruit: holiday deals
Everyone firewood high flame, also basketball shoes group is one of the most effective way to deal with inventory.Especially the holidays, more suitable for development of group purchase business.1. The strike of large and medium-sized enterprises and institutions, such as banking, telecommunications, mining, etc.2. A friend relationship marketing;3. Looking for buying agent.Society is a group of group purchase agent, most of them are relatives and friends of the main leaders of enterprises and institutions, have a good relationship resources;4. Look for the units of group purchase experience.Through the large and medium-sized enterprises and institutions of labor insurance enterprises and service enterprises such as the upstream units is also a good way to open the market.The advantage of group buying is to reduce the cost of marketing, also for the continuous consumption woven ties.


Ten Tips to digest inventory shoes(3)

The fifth recruit: factory sale in domestic market
Internal digestion refers to an enterprise that shoes clothing inventory as a welfare to their employees, or its employees or for the relatives and friends offer certain preferential on price.Each big shoes clothing enterprises in wenzhou are selling their products at the door of the store, mainly in the service of staff and local residents.Don't look down upon factory sale in domestic market, it is can strengthen employee pride, 2 it is to make every employee brand shoes clothing salesman SanNeng digestion memory effectively.JieJie dress recently opened the factory walls, opened a factory in front of the store, preferential employees, three days of sales reached 500000 yuan.
Recruit: 6 to participate in the exhibition
Fairs rely mainly on price advantage to attract customers, shoes clothing brand through a showcase, price concessions, can attract a large number of purchasing inventory of specific consumption group, directly to the inventory sales go out.So said the fair is a good way to promote a product inventory backlog.Many of the shoes clothes products put into the original price 100 yuan, 200 yuan, 5 discount to sell 100 yuan.But I still can attract many consumers.Raise the price discount, so the trick is known to all, but consumers are willing to accept such a "discount".When using this way to deal with inventory, must be in place to ensure that brand reputation as the premise, must not be detrimental to the reputation of the brand.


Ten Tips to digest inventory shoes(2)

Three recruit: open "sale"
"Brand sale and discount marketing" the biggest difference is that in a specific period of time dedicated to sell products, such as air Jordan.Have time constraints and variety, and excess inventory of smart, positive, at the same time, also gives consumers a big opportunity closer, attracted numerous fans snapping up, also can put some stock into cash.But shoes clothing brand "sale" is a principle: don't damage shoes clothing brand reputation, image, also cannot affect the relationship with suppliers.
The fourth recruit: advertising replacement
Shoes clothing brand advertising have brand, brand image of maintaining the high-profile role, any one AD is a long-term investment in the brand.Advertising is not everything, but we can do nothing without advertising.When consumer buys a product after is "substantial interests + psychology", advertising can meet the demand of consumer psychology.So shoes clothing brand can work with advertisers, with goods for advertising, everyone benefits.But in the remaining product in advertising must signed an agreement, the arrival of the advertising shoes clothes products into the sales, the lowest retail price of not less than the items in the market.


Ten Tips to digest inventory shoes(1)

Discount!!!Discount!!!Or discount!The voice of the 2013 shoes discount clothing market, the change garments according to the season, holiday sales promotion are playing "price war", even some of the Nike free run discount lasts from years ago until now.Soaring commodity prices and continuously from the voice of the discount is in stark contrast, all inventory "blame".In fact, increasingly high up high above the inventory for old shoes clothing brands have to low noble head, have into the torrent of the sale.
Don't discount is inventory digestion choice?Tan Ru clothing brand observers think China shoes, discount is not the only means of digestive inventory, for the region's markets, our rapid response to adjust measures to local conditions, since the, specific issue concrete analysis, can use the following ten recruit digestion brand shoes, clothing inventory.
The first recruit: electricity to clear
The rise of e-commerce, it changes the traditional shoes clothing brand marketing model, and broaden the channels of digestive inventory.In yiwu commodity circulation industry developed, at least dozens of shoes clothes enterprises engaged in stock trading network.
Chinese shoes clothing brand observers Tan Ru in "breakthrough" Smith barney dilemma "for fast fashion giant.BangWei fallen into the dilemma of high inventory is analyzed.Tan Ru think DianShangWang collaterals trade has the advantages of the transaction cost is low, the efficiency to is fast fashion shoes clothing brand to remove one of the channel inventory.Can be applied to "the unity of" three network sales model, the "online Internet", "traditional offline store channel network" and "mobile network" of three nets, achieve the goal of inventory liquidation.
The second recruit: focus directly
End of August 2013, more than a dozen franchisees in daphne, Shanghai headquarters to daphne to eliminate inventory pressure for "to join".At that time, "to join".At the same time, women's shoes brand printed heart bird Jin Deyin appointed the vice general manager in zhengzhou to explore "focus on marketing model", this method for centralized ordering, avoid the inventory pressure, reduces the cost of sales, competitive advantage, capital turnover is fast, not only avoid "to join", also in local and stronger market.It is reported, by focusing on marketing, September print heart bird henan branch into company account sales increased dramatically.


"Eight daikin law" of holiday sales(8)

Buyer beware: eight to innovators
Celebrity Chen Yushu said that the secret of getting rich is "bold innovation, vision" eight characters.In fact, the festival cheap shoes sales promotion.Now we mention holiday promotion, will be associated with the live show, buy a gift, road shows, package, coupons, buy a gift, lottery, integral, specials, and so on.Consumers see more don't blame, formed the consumption fatigue.Actually in holiday sales on the details of the originality of innovation space is large, innovative thinking is the magic weapon of the successful holiday sales.
Holiday sales innovation is endless.In the holiday promotion, we may be able to find a better way of promotion and sales promotion techniques to realize the goal of our promotion, if is looking for rivals to a better sales promotion methods, then we end is dire.Innovation need positive, courage, wisdom, need more method.

"Eight daikin law" of holiday sales(7)

Buyer beware: seven wins service in place
Holiday season, Jordan shoes brand staff involved in the sales, more goods, more things, more can not taken in services appear problem, not only resulting in the loss of customers, also will be a disgrace to their brands.
Day this year, the cat also launched "1111 shopping carnival", "double 11" promotion began to zero for the first minute of the day there is a cat more than 10 million people crowded into day.Promotion began only 10 minutes, pay treasure to the total volume of 250 million;37 minutes, pay treasure to total turnover exceeds 1 billion;The 70th minute, pay treasure to total turnover exceeds 2 billion...Parts, because of the great flow user payment appear the phenomenon of congestion, many netizens cannot trade, some shoes clothing brand "nitpick" by netizens.
During the promotion, consumers more is normal phenomenon, we can't use the excuse prevarication personnel less consumers.Holiday promotion you provide considerate service for customers: first of all, to do a good job of "promotion" before.Promotion products, staff, and plan in advance in place;Secondly, to do a good job of "promotion".In view of the special groups to carry out the characteristic service, to ensure the safety of promotion.Third, do a good job after the promotion.After-sales survey activities, establishes the customer file.


"Eight daikin law" of holiday sales(6)

Buyer beware six: integrity operators
Honesty is critical to the success of the promotion and protection.Holiday promotion, best basketall shoes brand must fulfill commitment, "said to do it, not your", can't say a set, do a set, otherwise, will not only directly affect the effect of sales promotion, but also affect the reputation of the brand.If holiday sales to go "cash", only the dishonest certainly left shoes clothing brand is difficult to heal the sequelae.
Good reputation is the key to promote the brand image, lose credibility, and also lose the brand to the survival of the soil.In the holiday promotion to stick to the good faith, can't follow one's inclinations, casually promise, more can't cheat and entrap consumer.As the saying goes: narain, good;Pointing, and your word.The good faith not only achieved the effect of sales promotion, also can increase the credibility of the brand, for the future sales to lay the good foundation.


"Eight daikin law" of holiday sales(5)

Buyer beware: five wins comparative advantage
The market again small best running shoes brand has its own advantages;The size of the market again big brand also faced with limited resources to cope with competition and is stronger than his opponent.This is what shoes clothing brand to consider the reality of the problem in the holiday promotion.Shoes clothing brand, then, how to establish a relative advantage over the holiday period to create power guarantee of winning?Printed heart bird brand summed up three kinds of establishing comparative advantage:
One is in the area of strong brand strength relatively weak market into the dominant promotion resources.Yin heart bird brand festival promotion generally don't go to large shopping malls and large cities busy streets, where for the promotion of the competition is too big, it must use more advertisement investment, or a bigger discount to cover the light of a strong brand, or printed heart bird promotion will be bleak a strong brand.
The second is the promotion resources focus on market segments on a holiday, make print heart bird brand in this market segment more than strong brand promotion resources, partial victory, the victory to victory.National Day in 2012, India heart bird to focus resources on the henan market make holiday sales, lucrative results have been achieved.
3 it is to spend resources more on holiday sales to gain the initiative of link.In the holiday promotion, heart bird doesn't increase the discount rate, also does not advertise, but the energy used in personnel training and the adornment of the shoe store.


"Eight daikin law" of holiday sales(4)

Buyer beware: four wins good surprise

Sun tzu said, "so the good surprise are infinite, the in the heavens and the earth, such as inexhaustible jianghai."Holiday sales should be surprise.At present, the consumers "quota reduction", "crazy discount", lottery, and so on these festival marketing strategies, have seen.Consumers more interested in fancy holidays promotion.

During the Spring Festival this year, the super shoes sports brand to promotion, out of a trick.They launched a NBA star "exclusive war boots shoppe, discount war boots restricted to 10 a day, because of the discounted price is much cheaper than the original price 400 yuan, stores opened in the morning every day, in an instant by 10 combat boots were swept away.

Surprise, however, is not a trick as strange as possible.This year Spring Festival, also play a Hong Kong fashion brand promotion, the store all the mirror cover, customers can't fitting, cannot return, after you have bought goods customers fairly, circulation industry of guangdong province chamber of commerce executive director Huang Wenjie also said, "I don't agree with this kind of practice".


"Eight daikin law" of holiday sales(3)

Buyer beware: three firm faith wins

Shoes clothing brand festival promotion will inevitably cause more fierce market competition, shoes clothing brand must have a lot of confusion.But, no matter how fierce competition, shoes clothing brands have firm faith, like "jingwei reclamation" perseverance to fight to the end.

Any brand in our competition has a very important reason, that is have faith, that is with unwieldy, perseverance, shi don't give up fighting spirit to reach the goal.

New Nike shoes brand was founded in 1972, Nike chose a strong personality and full of offensive brand spokesman Steve in fontaine.But Steve, 1975, during a holiday sales promotion were killed in a car accident, make the Nike brand promotion by setbacks.Nike in crisis, inventory backlog in great quantities, sales and profits decline, Nike began to decline.Nike not discouraged people didn't give up, change the holiday sales promotion strategy, increase advertising investment before holiday, then succeeded, become the largest sports brand in the global sales.


"Eight daikin law" of holiday sales(2)

Buyer beware: "hay come first"

GuYun: "military forces, hay come first".Promotion and product group is a prelude to a promotional work, best running shoes must ensure that reach the designated position.

Before festival promotion there is an important link, is propaganda.Propaganda can not only transfer product information, cause the attention of consumers, also can stimulate the desire of consumers to participate in promotional activities, and achieve sales success.No propaganda promotion is very difficult to attract popularity.Septwolves in this year ahead, "double a" war on weibo "put" price promotion ahead of time, attracted many turn to review.

Holiday sales, in general, the performance of a few days, can be equivalent to a month or even a quarter at ordinary times sales.Some brand promotion price discount strategy, reduce customer shopping cost alone to attract customers, but the price of space is limited, compressing the brand profit this way.So dig into the customer demand, fully prepared to goods is the core and key of holiday sales.At least a week ago the festival deployment of the needed goods, especially commodities, inventory sufficient activity theme, high value goods and accessories products.


"Eight daikin law" of holiday sales(1)

Holiday is the best moment of outbreak of new jordans 2014;Holiday is the best excuse shoes clothes products promotion;Festival is shoes clothing brand to digest inventory, drained, impact sales curve is the best chance to every shoes clothing brand would not easily miss festival this consumer focused release consumption peak flow of passion, even if a bloody and dangerous fierce competition, shoes clothing brand will be squeezed in the holiday promotion road.

"Singles day", "double a" fire ignited by taobao.Sign up for the 2012 "double a" big promotion businessmen has exceeded 1 m, was five times last year.The eu, aokang, bird, bono, widely, such as red dragonfly shoes brands into the "bachelor day" promotion in the camp.

Shoes clothes brand holiday sales promotion, however, is not a "promote" spirit, promotional promotional buyer beware, violates the law will be wasted effort, even in vain, a waste of money.So, what is festival promotion buyer beware?Chinese shoes clothing brand observers Tan Ru summarizes the following eight daikin "law", provide the reference for the shoes clothes brands.

Buyer beware: a well-planned person wins

Perfect sales promotion planning, considering the change of time and space and detail, holiday sales don't blindly.Art of cloud: "the person that seeks after the war first wins".The promotion of battle can't play without preparation.It is reported, on November 11, 2011 at the first minute, there are 3.42 million people instantly into day cat, 55000 orders instantly.Based on the experience, this year nine king of animal husbandry in the electrical business promotion, create the brand "double a" super economical strategy guidance, divided into double tenth one introduction to buyers of money-saving strategies, double tenth a money-saving strategies of senior fans, double tenth a huge fan of money-saving strategies, as well as the exclusive required shopping techniques, etc., make the brand's sales target.

So, how to make a detailed and thorough and effective promotion plan?One is to investigate, fully understand the background and characteristics of holiday;The second is the specific problem specific analysis;Three is to choose the strategy, that is, how to promote?To achieve the purpose of what?Four is arranging a time, place, promotion, executor, promotion policy, completes the promotion of each post job description, job content decomposition training and rewards and punishment system, management form and effect forecast, cost estimates, contingency plans and so on previous work.