
Three choices of chinese shoes sales(2)

Desalination agency

Once upon a time , China shoes popular brand agency , brands rely on local agents Tyrant provincial regions , and to a level of investment, a large wholesale circulation. Some have called this model are: to brand her son .

Recent Chinese observers Tan Ru shoes brand shoes and apparel brand regularly participate in some of the orders, feel that these orders will depend on the changed taste. Brands at the meeting asked the agents to speed up the reimbursement rate, give employees wages. Agents privately but find brands to the policy, the compensation is the price thinning profit, bear part of the losses.

On the surface, the aid agency brands rely channel agents to enter the regional market , which saves time and effort , and can quickly open the sales situation. But the passage of time, after some of the distributor to get rich , in order to maintain a conservative vested interests gradually up , and control their own " territory" , fear of intimate contact with the brand and terminal will own overhead , so defensive and the brand 's "details" sales to promote artificial obstacles , some agents inconstant , eating a bowl watching the pot , and therefore has become a " hot potato " , want to save not , want not abandoned .

Some agents even for their own interests , grabbed the neck of brands , they set into the product at a lower price , then dumped goods at lower prices , the entire transaction process , agents seem not to make money , but in the set of a huge cash flow. Agents do everything possible to arrears of payment brands , earned through cash flow , invest in some unrelated matters and brands , and even rival brands to invest there, so brands suffered huge losses.

In this case , the agency system in name only, agency contracts for agents no substantial binding effect , extensive operational agency of large circulation , a large wholesale , leading brands powerless to control the market . Agents has become brands to expand the market "obstruction ."

Meanwhile, the agency can not guarantee the security market and capital , and to become a transit point for brands inventory , distribution center is the essence of the agents terminal, from brands to agents , to the terminal , is based on drill yahuo transfer means for operators to inventory .

Today, let dealers order a lump sum of 30% of the first model agency have lost effectiveness , agency procurement system has evolved among many manufacturers is already crunching , there is no on credit . Under this operation , maintenance of the regional market agents greatly reduced . Agents also do not spend the effort to maintain the brand 's marketing , promotion, network layout .

Although , there are some brands in the agency 's control to linger , to break through the bottleneck of the channel , but really just to destroy agency belie because too many factors constraints , strong pressure , but the dragon snakes , agents owed ​​a lot of money no return , so brands only slowly fade agency .

